OH Tim Kufeldt, Pastor of Dayspring
Dr. Rand was
able to relate to all age-groups in creative ways. He brought energy,
excitement, and enthusiasm to our people. The result was that our congregation
was upbuilt in our relationships with one another! Our people are still
commenting on the way they were encouraged through the ministry of Brother
NC Tony Didway, Pastor of First
Canerday, Associate Pastor
"The Weekend was one of those significant experiences you feel compelled
to share with others! We saw hearts melted, relationships mended, lives
changed, souls renewed, pasts forgiven, and the downcast lifted! At every
session we were actively engaged in the Word of God we were being taught.
We rejoice in giving the Lord the honor and glory for all that He did
among us! It is with great enthusiasm that we both recommend this spiritual
experience to churches everywhere!
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